Why should I participate in Doors Open Ottawa? What's in it for me and my organization?
- Doors Open Ottawa participants will be associated with a well-publicized, high profile event that celebrates Ottawa's unique urban and rural architectural heritage.
- Doors Open Ottawa is the largest architectural and heritage event in the city.
- Doors Open Ottawa creates community pride. The event allows residents and tourists to discover our city by exploring a wide range of buildings.
- Participation in Doors Open Ottawa is an excellent way to reach out to the public and raise awareness of your unique building.
- Displaying our heritage helps the community cherish Ottawa's neighbourhoods, communities and history.
What criteria must be met in order for a building applicant to be considered a suitable candidate by the Doors Open Ottawa Advisory Council?
The Doors Open Ottawa Advisory Council is the committee responsible for determining whether a building is eligible to participate in the event based on specific criteria designed to value its historical, cultural, functional, and/or architectural significance.
If you think your building would be a suitable candidate for Doors Open Ottawa, please review the criteria outlined. Please note that while it’s not necessary to meet every criterion, buildings that largely meet the criteria listed below will have a stronger chance of being selected.
Preference will be given to buildings that meet the following criteria:
- Buildings that are not normally open to the public, or have areas that are not usually open to the public.
- Buildings that are open to the public but have some significant historical, functional, cultural, and/or architectural features that will be showcased during the event.
- Buildings that are celebrating significant milestones and/or anniversaries.
- Buildings that have been recognized with an award for their heritage, urban design, and/or architecture.
- Buildings that have significant interior features.
- Buildings that are an example of a successful adaptive reuse.
- Buildings that feature excellence in contemporary design and/or innovative green/sustainable/LEED elements.
- Buildings that represent cultural diversity.
How will my building be identified to the public as one of the Doors Open Ottawa sites?
To identify your building as a Doors Open Ottawa site, information that you provide including a building description, photos, 3D tours, virtual tours, and/or more will be included in Doors Open Ottawa promotional materials, social media sites, press materials and the Doors Open Ottawa Web site. Your site may also appear on the Doors Open Ontario website operated by the Ontario Heritage Trust.
Who is responsible for any costs associated with new or existing content that is provided to the City of Ottawa?
Doors Open Ottawa is not responsible for any costs incurred by those who wish to create new virtual content for the event. If your building chooses to create new content, such as a 3D or virtual tour, the costs associated with doing so will be paid for solely by the building participant. However, we think it’s important to note, that if you’re thinking about creating something new, it can always be used for your own promotional purposes after the event is over. It’s a win-win!
Disclaimer: Please note that all virtual content will be reviewed by the City of Ottawa. If the City deems any content unfit for publication (i.e. foul language, nudity, promotion of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, etc.), we have the sole right to exclude the content from the event.
Does my building have to offer bilingual content?
We understand that not all buildings are created equally. While we strongly encourage all of our buildings to provide bilingual content on their websites, 3D tours, and virtual tours, we know that it’s not always possible. However, if you plan on creating new virtual content for this year’s event, perhaps it’s the perfect time to include both official languages in your new promotional material.
Can I charge admission to visit my building online?
No. Virtual admission must be free during the event. The focus of Doors Open Ottawa is to celebrate heritage and architecture, by making participating buildings open to all.
Some buildings are already open to the public. Can they still participate?
Buildings that fit the Doors Open Ottawa profile and that are normally open to the public (e.g., historic and/or architecturally important embassies, government buildings, theatres, churches, museums, etc.) will be included if admission is free. We encourage buildings that are normally open to the public to offer special activities or events, such as exhibits, talks, musical recitals, or behind-the-scenes tours as a way to showcase the building further.
Who is funding Doors Open Ottawa?
Doors Open Ottawa is funded by partnerships between the City of Ottawa, corporate sponsors, and individual donations. If you own a business or are part of an organization that would like to sponsor Doors Open Ottawa, please contact:
Emily O’Kane, Coordinator
Doors Open Ottawa, City of Ottawa
Email: doorsopen@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)